DENSIFICADOS has developed two solid surface products in response to the demands of our customers.
STONACRIL PLUS is a solid surface composed of 1/3 acrylic resin and 2/3 aluminum trihydroxide (ATH). It is used in many areas, specially in bathrooms, kitchens, facades, hospital equipment and pieces of general furniture. Its main characteristics are its resistance, translucent capacity, the ability to be thermoformed, outdoor use, and the possibility to make designs without any visible joints. Thanks to these qualities, STONACRIL PLUS is a material used in numerous avant-garde designs.
STONACRIL SELECTION is a solid surface composed of 1/3 modified acrylic resin and 2/3 parts of aluminum trihydroxide (ATH). It is a resistant, durable, and with a very pleasant touch “solid surface”. This material has the same structure and colour in all the piece of work, and for that reason, any damage in it can be easily repaired. Moreover, its surface without pores and joints avoids the appearance of mould and damp. It is used in bathroom and kitchen countertops, as well as in pieces of furniture, reception counters, etc.
Stonacril is an ecological material, as it is 100% recyclable.
Due to its mineral composition, 2/3 parts of ATH and a low percentage of high resistance resins, STONACRIL offers a high thermal resistance, as well as to bumps and scratches.
STONACRIL is a homogeneous material. It has the same structure and colour in all the piece of work, and for that reason, any damage in it can be easily repaired
Its surface without pores and joints avoids the appearance of mould and damp. It is antibacterial.
STONACRIL is an ecological material. Any product manufactured in Stonacril can be reprocessed and reused in the production cycle.
STONACRIL can be molded by casting mold, thermoforming, etc., offering a great variation in the design of any piece.
We can use different thicknesses of STONACRIL PLUS and get backlit environments.
STONACRIL PLUS is suitable for outdoor use, since it offers a high resistance to ultraviolet rays.
Despite being a resistant and durable material, its low weight offers a great advantage in handling and designing products, compared to other materials.
Periodic care;
For cleaning it, you can use any conventional cleaning agent. However, we recommend using an abrasive detergent and a fine grain sponge to keep it with an excellent appearance.
STONACRIL is a nonporous, renewable and easy-care solid surface. A daily care is enough to keep it looking like new. Our product is antibacterial, since its surface without pores and joints avoids the appearance of mould and damp.
Renewal Maintenance;
STONACRIL has the same structure and colour in all the surface, any damage in it can be easily repaired.
In case of damaging the surface with small scratches or burns, you have to act in the following way: sand the damaged area with semi-fine sandpaper (220) in circular motions until the scratch disappears, then sand with a super fine sandpaper (400/600) until it matches with the rest of the surface.
Although STONACRIL can be manufactured in any color, it is important that you know that dark colors need a greater care, as any damage or scratch in them is more noticeable.
Our products have a five-year guarantee for manufacturing defects. The guarantee is void if damages result from misuse of the product.